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EAA Accessibility Consultation

Trade in the EU? Prepare for the European Accessibility Act 2025 Deadline with a Free Accessibility Consultation.

Get a Free EAA Accessibility Consultation

Do you represent an American business that trades in the EU?

You'll need to ensure your products and services comply with the European Accessibility Act (EAA) by June 2025.

Our experts can help you understand the requirements and develop a tailored accessibility strategy.

Wolfestone Group offers a range of accessibility solutions including audio description, sign language, live captions, subtitles, Braille, easy-read, and accessible E-text designs.

Fill out the form to book your free EAA accessibility consultation.

Understanding the European Accessibility Act (EAA) 2025

If you are an American company that sells products or services within the European Union (EU), you need to be aware of the European Accessibility Act (EAA).

The EAA comes into full effect June 2025.

Non-compliance with the EAA could result in significant financial penalties and reputational damage.

By proactively addressing accessibility, you can avoid costly legal issues, expand your customer base, and demonstrate your commitment to inclusivity.

What does the EAA cover?

  • Electronic Communications
  • Websites
  • Apps
  • Online Booking Systems
  • Online Banking
  • Financial Services
  • Ebooks
  • Tourism Services
  • Ecommerce
  • Tech Products
  • And More.

Key solutions to consider: